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époque press
pronounced: /epƏk/
definition: /time/era/period

Jesse Kay is an unkempt small dog, a spiral of flies on sticky paper, two buttons and a comic/zine creator. They make stories and images that attempt to reflect their dubious place in the world as a weird queer thing; using fantasy, memories and whatever they can hit with a hammer. 


Of the work featured here, Jesse says:


‘Desire has an optional energy to it, optional opposed to a word like Need. We can transform desire, communicate something different to satisfy it. But when we find ourselves unable to, Desire becomes Shame. Desire doesn’t sit well in my stomach; at least the kind that makes us dog-like, sweaty and needy for each other. I can handle my desire for a candy apple, or a new fancy jacket. Within my queer brain-sick body though, desire is fast tracked into shame. The piece featured here is an amalgamation of these two words, explored through the creation of a short comic layering together fantasy tropes and nonsensical recollections of my childhood.’ 


You can find out more about Jesse Kay via this link: Jkart (

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